We recently spent a couple of nights in Glasgow, and on the first evening had a walk to Glasgow Cathedral and the Necropolis. The Fir Park pleasure grounds, across the Molendinar Burn from the Cathedral, were transformed from 1833 into the place to be buried in Glasgow. It was inspired by Père Lachaise in Paris. The situation, on top of a hill, is very fine with extensive views, and the Greek, Egyptian, Gothic and Romanesque monuments are amazing. We could have spent much longer here, but dinner called, and the threatening sky did more than threaten – we got soaked on the way back to the bus stop.

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Further reading
There are several architectural guides to Glasgow. We used Central Glasgow: An Illustrated Architectural Guide by Charles McKean, David Walker and Frank Walker. ISBN 1 873190 22 0. It is published by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) – an excellent source of architectural guides and books. It was first published in 1989, so is somewhat out of date, but is full of interesting history and photographs.